The Beginning Oboist
The first notes taught here come from the first few lessons in the book, "The Beginning Oboist", by Valerie Anderson. You will learn where your fingers should be placed, and how to move between the notes. It is highly recommended that you order your own copy of the book.
Ms. Anderson studied oboe with John Mack, and spent years working closely with him to develop both her shaper tips and gougers for the oboe and English horn, which are recognized as some of the best reed-making products for the oboe. She has also written both beginner and intermediate etude books for young oboists.
PlayOboe.com highly encourages every young oboist to obtain a copy of The Beginning Oboist from Jeanné.
Start your journey as a beginning oboist with The Beginning Oboist. We will soon have some instructional videos taken from these lessons to help you get started. Please study the entire lesson in the book, though, before you proceed.